Ducati Insurance

Motorcycle Insurance

Please enter the registration number if available. You may manually input the details if the motorcycle cannot be found using the registration. If your bike is not listed, select 'Not Listed' and enter the information manually.

Motorcycle Details

If you’ve recently purchased your vehicle, its market value is likely similar to the purchase price.
Please include the value of any modifications or accessories fitted to your vehicle. Accurate disclosure of this value is important, as the insurance company may consider it when handling claims.

Ensure information you provide is accurate and answered honestly to the best of your knowledge.

Failing to do so could result in an increase to your premium, the cancellation of your policy, or a claim being refused.

To minimise the number of questions we need to ask, certain assumptions have been made.

Ducati Insurance is a trading name of Adrian Flux Insurance Services Group, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under firm reference number 307071.

© 2025 Ducati Insurance. All Rights Reserved.